- 18 Karat Shiny Parrot: n8ad6679t7cy
- Animated Disco Floor: puzzlepalace
- Black Pearl of Potion Ocean: jkydpd7xctdr
- Blobert: moshimoshi11
- Confetti Rocket: profpurplex6
- Dustbin Beaver: giftisland23
- Flaming Sword of Awesomeness: 9mt4gmc4nm4y
- Fossil: dailygrowl74
- Fun Flowers: fangtastic
- Goblet of Goosebump Gulch: r7ckafnjdpgu
- Hamsterball: moshlingzoo1
- Haunted Diamond Tiara: 33r3hdhd8t6y
- Lavaflow Floor: sludgestreet
- Lost Marbles of Eggerton: 6gw7areyh49u
- Monstro City Map: monstrocity1
- Moshling Collector Chart: allmoshlings
- Mr Juggles: moshifunpark
- R2 Trashcan: gingersnap11
- Rainbow Maker: googenhime22 (It is spelt with 'hime' and not 'heim')
- Shimmery Snaggletooth Sapphire: x4d8u834e3xf
- Sneezy Flute of Pepper Geyser: 9g4k3p9mltfp
- Squishy Stool: monsters
- Top Trumps Poster: amphisbaenae
- Turbo Top: bigbadbill31
- Wiggly Wallpaper: port
- Black Pearl: jkydpd7xctdr
- The Haunted Crown: 33r3hdhd8t6y
- Sneezy Flute of Pepper Geyser: 9g4k3p9mltfp lillyrose667
- Shimmery Snaggletooth Sapphire: x4d8u834e3xf
- Sword of Awsomeness: 9mt4gmc4nm4y
- 18 Karat Shiny Parrot: n8ad6679t7c
- Bag of Eggs: 6gw7areyh49us
- Goblet of Goosebump Gulch: r7ckafnjdpgu
- Animated Disco Floor: puzzlepalace
- Mr. Juggles: moshifunpark
- Lavaflow floor: sludgestreet
- Hamsterball: Moshlingzoo1
- Fossil: dailygrowl74
- Moshling Poster: ALLMOSHLINGS
- Dustbin Beaver Poster:GIFTISLAND23
- Map of MonstroCity: monstrocity1
- Roxy (moshling): HOBBIDIDANCE
- profpurplex6=firecracker
- amphisbaenae = Top Trumps
- big bad bill 31= top thing
- Hamster ball: MOSHLINGZOO1
- The Flaming Sword of Awesomeness: 9MT4GMC4NM4Y (a flaming sword)
- Lost Marbles of Eggleton: 6GW7AREYH49U (eggs)
- 18 Karat Shiny Parrot: N8AD6679T7CY (gold parrot)
- Sneezy Flute of Pepper Geyser: 9G4K3P9MLTFP
- Shimmering Snaggletooth Sapphire: X4D8U834E3XF (dark blue Sapphire)
- Black Pearl of Potion Ocean: JKYDPD7XCTDR
- Goblet of Goosebump Gultch: R7CKAFNJDPGU
- Haunted Diamond Tiara: 33R3HDHD8T6Y
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Secret Codes
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